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Fig. 6 | Skeletal Muscle

Fig. 6

From: Prolonged FOS activity disrupts a global myogenic transcriptional program by altering 3D chromatin architecture in primary muscle progenitor cells

Fig. 6

Elevated FOS activity alters TAD borders in muscle progenitor cells. A Meta-TAD plots, where the interaction profiles of all detected TADs (n = 2474 (pSLIK-Gfp), 2447 (pSLIK-Fos)) were scaled and superimposed on top of each other, showing a similar TAD formation in pSLIK-Fos relative to pSLIK-Gfp muscle progenitor cells. B Venn diagram showing the overlapping or differentially regulated (by at least 2 × 40 kb bins) TAD boundaries in pSLIK-Gfp and pSLIK-Fos muscle progenitor cells. C Violin plot showing pSLIK-Fos vs. pSLIK-Gfp RNA-seq log2FC values of genes located at overlapping or differentially regulated TAD boundaries. D Plot showing the GO enrichment of differentially expressed genes that are located at differentially regulated TAD boundaries. The adjusted p values for all GO enrichments are < 0.05

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