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Fig. 4 | Skeletal Muscle

Fig. 4

From: Rapid restitution of contractile dysfunction by synthetic copolymers in dystrophin-deficient single live skeletal muscle fibers

Fig. 4

Twitch sarcomere length kinetics and Ca2+ transient signals of dystrophin-deficient flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) fibers from mdx mice treated with vehicle (1 mouse, 10 fibers) and diblock copolymer (3 mice each; 15 μM, 53 fibers; 150 μM, 45 fibers). A–C Representative ensemble average of sarcomere length shortening patterns from mdx FDB treated with vehicle and diblock copolymer (15 μM, 150 μM). Sarcomere length on the Y-axis is inverted. Each tick on Y-axis is 0.05 μm. Electric field stimulation was applied at 0.2-s point. D Peak sarcomere length shortening during twitch contraction. E Time to peak sarcomere length shortening during twitch contraction. F Time from peak to 75% of baseline of sarcomere length during twitch contraction. G–I Ensemble average of Ca2+ transient patterns measured by Fura-2AM fluorescence from mdx FDB fibers treated with vehicle and diblock copolymer (15 μM, 150 μM). Each tick on the Y-axis is 0.1. J Peak Ca2+ transient during twitch contraction. K Time to peak Ca2+ transient during twitch contraction. L Time from peak to 75% of baseline of Ca2+ transient during twitch contraction. Dotted lines represent the average values from BL10 FDB (D–F, J–L). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.001 by one-way ANOVA with Holm-Sidak’s post hoc test

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