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Figure 2 | Skeletal Muscle

Figure 2

From: Genome-wide binding of the basic helix-loop-helix myogenic inhibitor musculin has substantial overlap with MyoD: implications for buffering activity

Figure 2

MyoD and MSC bind at unique identical and overlapping but non-identical sites in the genome. MSC and MyoD have both unique and overlapping binding patterns at various sites in the genome. Screenshots are shown from the UCSC Genome browser for MyoD and MSC ChIP-seq results at four distinct genomic locations (indicated below each panel, representing positions in hg19). The identity of the bHLH factor is indicated along the left, and E-boxes are represented as black marks along the bottom of each panel. Note that the number of MyoD reads in the ‘MSC only’ panel is five, in contrast to 298 reads for MSC, and are not centered on an E-box, and thus do not likely represent true MyoD binding. bHLH, basic helix-loop-helix; ChIP-seq, chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to high-throughput sequencing; MSC, musculin.

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