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Figure 1 | Skeletal Muscle

Figure 1

From: Immortalized myogenic cells from congenital muscular dystrophy type1A patients recapitulate aberrant caspase activation in pathogenesis: a new tool for MDC1A research

Figure 1

Characterization of immortalized compared to primary myogenic cells. (A) CDK4 + hTERT immortalized cells had higher telomerase enzymatic activity (left) and maintained longer telomeres (right) than primary cells or cells with CDK4 only. Results from 38/03 MDC1A cells (telomerase activity by telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay) and healthy control 2/08 cells (telomere length by hybridization assay) are shown as examples. The cervical carcinoma cell line HeLa served as a positive control. Lanes re-arranged for presentation. PD = population doublings. (B) 100% of CDK4 + hTERT immortalized cells expressed desmin (green), with MDC1A 96/04-ct8 cells shown as an example. (C) CDK4 + hTERT immortalized MDC1A myogenic cells showed normal differentiation by fusing into multinucleate cells that expressed myosin heavy chain (MyHC, red) isoforms. (D) Similar percentages of nuclei were incorporated into multinucleate (≥2 nuclei) myotubes formed from immortalized healthy control, MDC1A, and FSHD myoblasts. Error bars = SD, n = 5.

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