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Figure 4 | Skeletal Muscle

Figure 4

From: Comparison of endogenous and overexpressed MyoD shows enhanced binding of physiologically bound sites

Figure 4

MyoD binds a subset of accessible E-boxes. (A) Coverage distribution over consensus MyoD binding sites RRCAGSTG. X-axis: log2 transformed coverage. Y-axis: the proportion of sites with coverage greater than the given value x. To make read coverage more comparable, we sub-sampled the same number of reads in each group. The distributions of coverage at RRCAGSTG sites in both samples are shown in solid lines. For comparison, E-boxes other than RRCAGSTG sites are shown in dashed lines. Only the E-boxes that are uniquely mapped within a ±200-bp window are included. (B) Coverage distribution over E-boxes similar to panel A but divided into E-boxes showing relatively low accessibility (0,1], moderate accessibility (1,2], or relatively high accessibility (2,Inf], as previously determined by PvuII accessibility [4].

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