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Fig. 2 | Skeletal Muscle

Fig. 2

From: Tropomyosin 3 (TPM3) function in skeletal muscle and in myopathy

Fig. 2

Structure of the human TPM3 gene and tissue expression. A Schematic representation of the human TPM3 gene and isoforms. Colored boxes represent the coding exons from 1 to 9, white boxes represent untranslated 5’ and 3’ UTR sequences, and lines represent the introns. Isoforms generated by the TPM3 gene can be classified into two categories: Low Molecular Weight isoforms (LMW, cytoskeletal isoforms) starting from exon 1b and High Molecular Weight isoforms (HMW) starting from exon 1a. The nomenclature (Tpm3.X) follows the recommendation provided by Geeves et al. 2015, J Muscle Res Cell Motil [3]. The previous nomenclature is also indicated in brackets. Exon-specific antibodies used to detect the TPM3 isoforms are indicated underneath the respective exons (for detailed information, see Schevzov et al. 2011, BioArchitecture [36]). The CG3 antibody specifically detects all cytoskeletal isoforms containing exon 1b, as well as high molecular weight isoforms via cross-reaction with exon 1a or 2b (indicated in brackets). On the right side, tissue-specific expression (read counts) in adult human skeletal muscle, heart (left ventricle and atrial appendage), brain (cerebellum), culture fibroblasts (cells), liver and lung is provided for each isoform (data available via B Immunofluorescence using CG3 antibody indicates that TPM3 protein expression can be detected in different cell types in human fetal and adult skeletal muscle. In fetal muscle, the CG3 signal co-localizes with blood vessels (arrows). In adult muscle, the CG3 co-localizes with both blood vessels (arrows) and type 1, slow muscle fibers (asterisks). The scale bar indicates 100 µm

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