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Fig. 1 | Skeletal Muscle

Fig. 1

From: Dimorphic effect of TFE3 in determining mitochondrial and lysosomal content in muscle following denervation

Fig. 1

Females are modestly spared from denervation-induced atrophy, as are mice lacking TFE3. TA muscle weights basally stratified by sex (A). TA muscle mass following 7 days of denervation in both WT and KO males (B) and females (C). Gastrocnemius muscle weights basally stratified by sex (D). Gastrocnemius muscle mass following denervation in both WT and KO males (E) and females (F). Sum of hindlimb muscle weights, including TA, EDL, gastrocnemius, and soleus, in WT and KO animals stratified by sex basally (G). Sum of hindlimb muscles weights following denervation in both WT and KO males (H) and females (I). Absolute hindlimb muscle mass lost following denervation (J). Two-way ANOVAs were conducted with repeated measures between CON and DEN conditions, followed by Tukey post-hoc analyses. GA, gastrocnemius; G, denotes a main effect of genotype; S, denotes a main effect of sex; D, indicates a main effect of denervation; SxG, represents an interaction between genotype and sex; GxD, denotes an interaction between genotype and denervation; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ****, p < 0.0001; n = 16

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